Known for his gnomes, Jim Shore presents a Dr. Seuss inspired ornament for your Christmas tree. With a Christmas towering hat and mischievous grin ornament this Grinch holds an ornament...
Sitting on top of a Christmas present, the Grinch grimaces from the branches of your tree. Tangled in lit lights this Christmas curmudgeon pouts with Jim Shore pattern and vibrant...
From the branches of your tree this ornament features the Grinch as he steers a Jim Shore rosemaled red pickup truck. With a haul of presents and holiday tree, the...
Dressed as Santa, the Grinch smiles his classic smirk with a holiday sign in his hands. With the words "Naughty & Nice" this ornament gets this humbug's message across with...
Dressed as Santa, the Jim Shore Grinch smiles his classic smirk with a holiday sign in his hands. With the words "Beware a Grinch Lives Here" this ornament gets this...